The War on Drugs Will Never be Won
(the way we’re fighting it now)
I am convinced that we could cut the demand for drugs, legal and illegal, by 80% if we would attack the cause rather than the effect.
(the way we’re fighting it now)
I am convinced that we could cut the demand for drugs, legal and illegal, by 80% if we would attack the cause rather than the effect.
What is the cause?
Emotional pain is the major cause of people taking drugs!
The way our society is dealing with the drug problem, and believe me we do have a problem, is through picking bad fruit. (Punishment after the fact is attacking the effect rather than the cause.) Picking the bad fruit never solved anything.
The legal punishment most people pay when caught is small in comparison to the emotional pain they live with every day. The worst punishment ever devised is not in the prisons made of cement and steel. The prison of the mind is more hideous than anything the law dishes out.
Punishment for doing wrong is picking bad fruit without doing anything to change the production of the fruit. There is a reason people do wrong. No one has the desire to be in trouble so why do they do what they know is wrong? The majority of the reason is to cover pain that is actually worse than the punishment they receive when caught.
After generations of teaching coping skills for dealing with pain rather than actually applying God’s principles that eliminate emotional pain, we now have pain (turmoil) and fear as the driving force of our society.
The world today is overrun with emotional pain and the medical profession has become pharmaceutical (drug) dealers more than healers. Doctors and illegal drug dealers make so much money from what they dispense, that the hurting must eventually become dealers and/or manufactures in order to afford the cost of their own habit; ergo, the drug epidemic and war and the "experts" are propagating it rather than stopping it.
Society is currently on a treadmill of futility – running hard but going no where.
What in the world caused this mess? A quick history lesson:
Over 200 years ago, a heroin addict convinced the world that he had the answer for human suffering. (Anyone who claims they have the answer to human suffering is conversely saying he has the pathway to life.) And because the world community at large is so anti-god, they bit on Freud’s bait and the world, slowly but surely began to practice Freud’s worship of the human mind by adhering to his teachings – mental coping skills and taking drugs. His techniques, though well masked and more sophisticated these days, remain pretty much as the Master of deception presented them to society – coping and drugs. (Check out my article entitled Coping is Embracing the Lie.)
What is the answer? Take a lesson from the fruit grower’s manual. I’m not kidding; the fruit growers have the answer to the world’s drug problem. Let me explain:
Many years ago I was ministering in the heart of Mexico and was staying at an orphanage. In the center of the compound of the orphanage was a beautiful orange tree. Being from the heartland of the United States, the plains states, I had never seen an orange tree. In fact, I wasn’t totally sure this was an orange tree because the fruit on the tree was huge; bigger than any orange I had ever seen, but the color was orange so I assumed they were oranges.
A young boy was there with me when I picked up an orange that had fallen from the tree. As I began to peal it he insisted that I take the one he picked fresh from the tree.
My mouth instantly began to salivate as I recalled the sweetness of a store bought orange which heightened my anticipation for a taste of a freshly picked orange, ripened to perfection in its natural environment. As I pealed this citric behemoth, I noticed the skin was very thick and it seemed a bit dry, but I was on a mission so I plunged headlong into devouring this beauty. As I put the first wedge into my mouth my gag reflex began to work overtime as the inside of my mouth instantly shriveled up from the bitterness of this imposter. It was so bitter it was all I could do to keep from losing my breakfast. And of course, the young Mexican boy laughed and slapped his knee with great delight as the gringo was fighting to keep his composure.
The missionary that we were visiting came to my rescue and he too was laughing at the expression on my face. I asked him “What in the world is this?” and he said “It’s an orange.”
He explained that when the tree was young they had failed to castrate it, or trim the roots so the fruit would be sweet and palatable. He said “Before an orange tree can produce plentiful, sweet fruit like we are accustomed too, its roots need to be cut.” That operation is what he called castrating the tree.
When the tree is young they cut in the soil a few inches deep all around the weep line. This cutting severs all the horizontal roots, causing more vertical roots to grow which helps the tree take in more water creating more natural sugars deposited in the fruit. In other words to improve the tree’s fruit, you must change the tree’s roots.
That’s it. Did you get it? To change the fruit of a person’s life, just like the tree, we must change the roots of the person’s life. Rather than go down for our roots we must go into our past.
Drug usage and the life that develops is the fruit of a person’s life, not the problem. The problem is with the roots of the person’s life – their past.
The illegal drugs people are on are their medications of choice for the pains of their life. All of society turns to one drug after another to cope with life’s struggles. What do you think aspirin is; or caffeine or power drinks?
After all, as mentioned before, when a person goes to a Doctor with the same pains, the majority of today’s Doctors will prescribe them a drug or two.
Drugs do not heal.
This is not a physical problem but an emotional problem which, most generally originates from a person’s past.
The answer to the drug problem is to change a person’s past. You heard me, if you are coping with life’s stresses and struggles by using drugs, you need to change the results of your past. Our past is the roots of our life.
All of our past is stored in our subconscious mind - your super-computer. Therefore we are talking about reprogramming your super-computer. Something that only God can do as we learn how to work with Him and effectively communicate with Him.
If you desire to change the fruit of your life, you must change the roots of your life - your subconscious mind.
Right now you are probably thinking that I must be a wacko that has lost his marbles or that I am someone spaced out on some mushroom or something.
No, actually for the past 20+ years of my life I have devoted full time to helping hurting people get totally free from drugs and emotional pain by doing exactly what I said – teaching them how to change their past.
For more information about changing your past obtain a copy of my last book Genuine Christianity, published by the American Book Publishing Company; pay particular attention to the chapter on “Renewing the Mind”.
I teach specific steps you take to actually change the results of your past – instantly.
You can obtain Genuine Christianity on my website at , Amazon or visit your local book store.
You can also obtain my training material (Restoration Ministry Training) from the same website. Restoration Ministry Training will not only help you deal with your issues in the privacy of your own home, but will also teach you how to help other hurting people find the peace for which they are searching. . Click on ‘Store’ and enjoy browsing through all the materials available to you. Take advantage of the free downloads and articles available as well.
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